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Intentional or naturally occurring termination of pregnancy
before the fetus is developed enough to survive.
- Incomplete Abortion: Passage of some but not
all fetal or placental tissue from the uterus before 20 weeks'
- Induced Abortion: Intentional medical or
surgical termination of pregnancy
- Elective Abortion: Induced abortion
performed at the woman's request
- Therapeutic Abortion: Induced abortion
performed to preserve the mother's health or life.
Inevitable Abortion: Opening of the cervix
with uterine bleeding before 20 weeks'.
Missed Abortion: Death of the fetus before
20 weeks' without expulsion of the fetus
Septic abortion: Abortion accompanied by
infection of the uterus.
Spontaneous Abortion: Naturally occurring
abortion before 20 weeks'. Miscarriage
Threatened Abortion: Uterine bleeding at
less than 20 weeks' without opening or other change in the cervix
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