Biophysical Profile Score (BPS or BPP)
The biophysical profile is
a test used to evaluate the well-being of the fetus. The biophysical profile uses
ultrasound and cardiotocography (CTG) , also known electronic
fetal heart rate monitoring , to examine the fetus. There are five components
measured during the biophysical examination. A score of 2 points is given for
each component that meets criteria as listed in the table below. The test is
continued until all criteria are met or 30 minutes have elapsed. The points are
then added for a possible maximum score of 10.
Component |
(2 points) |
(0 points) |
Fetal Breathing Movements |
One or more episodes of fetal
breathing lasting at least 30 seconds within 30 minutes. |
No episodes of
fetal breathing movements lasting at least 30 seconds during a 30 minute period
of observation. |
Body Movement |
3 or more discrete body or limb
movements within 30 minutes |
Less than 3 body or limb movements in 30
minutes |
Fetal Tone |
One or
more episodes of active extension and flexion of a fetal extremity OR opening
and closing of the hand within 30 minutes |
Slow extension with no return or
slow return to flexion of a fetal extremity OR no fetal movement |
Amniotic Fluid Volume
* |
A single deepest vertical pocket of
amniotic fluid measures greater than 2 centimeters. is present |
A single deepest vertical pocket of amniotic fluid
measures 2 centimeters or less |
Non-stress test
(NST)** |
*Amniotic Fluid Volume
Measured as the vertical measurement , in centimeters, of the single deepest
pocket of amniotic fluid with a transverse measurement of 1 cm or more wide
without fetal small parts or umbilical cord . [2]
** Reactive Two or more fetal heart rate accelerations that peak
(but do not necessarily remain) at least 15 beats per minute above the
baseline and last at least 15 seconds from baseline to baseline during
20 minutes of observation
Less than two accelerations of fetal heart rate as described above after 40
minutes of observation [1]
Biophysical Profile Test Score Results
A total score of 10 out of 10 or 8 out of 10 with normal fluid is
considered normal. A score of 6 is considered equivocal, and a score of 4 or
less is abnormal [1,3, 6]. A score of less than 8 indicates the
fetus may not be receiving enough oxygen. However, decreased biophysical
activities may also be seen for a brief time in the preterm fetus after
treatment with ether betamethasone or dexamethasone given to enhance fetal lung
maturity [7].
Score |
Management |
ACOG [1] |
SOGC [6] |
out of
10 ,
out of
10 (normal fluid), 8
out of
10 (NST not done) |
Deliver for
obstetric or maternal factors |
out of
fluid) |
isolated persistent oligohydramnios deliver at 36 to 37 weeks . |
If there is normal
urinary tract function and intact membranes then deliver at term. If < 34 weeks intensive surveillance to maximize maturity |
out of
10 (normal fluid)
At or
beyond 37 0/7 weeks of gestation, further evaluation and consideration
of delivery. Less than 37 0/7 weeks repeat BPP in 24 hours
Repeat test within
24 hours |
out of
fluid) |
Deliver if at term
.If < 34 weeks intensive surveillance to maximize maturity |
4 out of 10 |
Delivery is usually
indicated. Pregnancies at less than 32 0/7 weeks of gestation, management
should be individualized, and extended monitoring may be appropriate. |
Deliver |
2 out of 10 |
Deliver |
Deliver |
0 out of 10 |
Deliver |
Deliver |
The Modified Biophysical Profile (MBPP)
Some testing centers use a modified biophysical
profile [4,5]. The modified BPP consists of the
nonstress test (NST) and an amniotic fluid volume assessment. The modified BPP
is considered normal if the NST is reactive and the deepest vertical pocket of
amniotic fluid is greater than 2 centimeters. The modified BPP is
considered abnormal if either the NST is nonreactive or the deepest vertical
pocket of amniotic fluid is 2 cm or less [1].
When is the MBPP or BPP Usually Performed?
The modified BPP may be performed for decreased
fetal movement. If the NST is nonreactive or the
amniotic fluid volume is low a full BPP is usually done.
ACOG recommends the MBPP or BPP
may also be used for antepartum fetal surveillance in pregnancies at increased risk for bad perinatal
outcomes including , but not limited to, pregnancies complicated by
hypertension, preeclampsia, pregestational diabetes, poorly controlled or
medically treated gestational diabetes, poorly controlled hyperthyroidism,
chronic renal disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, antiphospholipid syndrome,
hemoglobinopathy (sickle cell disease) , maternal cyanotic heart disease, moderate or severe asthma during
pregnancy, isoimmunization, oligohydramnios,
unexplained or recurrent risk for stillbirth, fetal growth restriction ,
and late term pregnancy at or beyond 41 0/7 weeks [1, 9,10].
The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) suggests
antenatal fetal surveillance may also be beneficial in pregnancies complicated
by preterm premature rupture of membranes, chronic (stable abruption) , vaginal
bleeding, abnormal maternal serum screening in the absence of confirmed fetal
anomaly, motor vehicle accident during pregnancy, morbid obesity, advanced
maternal age, assisted reproductive technologies , multiple pregnancy,
polyhydramnios, and preterm labor [6].
In addition to many of the above indications an executive summary by a Eunice
Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
workshop on antenatal testing suggested antepartum testing for cholestasis
of pregnancy was appropriate. However, the workshop found insufficient data to
recommend antenatal testing for other conditions such as obesity, advanced
maternal age, abnormal maternal serum markers, thrombophilias, triplets and
higher-order multiples [11].
The American
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has observed that despite a lack of high quality evidence
that antepartum surveillance decreases the risk of fetal death
..."antepartum fetal surveillance is widely integrated into clinical practice in
the developed world." [1,8]. ACOG advises "...
initiating antepartum fetal testing no earlier than 32 0/7 weeks of
gestation is appropriate for most at-risk patients . However, in pregnancies
with multiple or particularly worrisome high-risk conditions (e.g., chronic
hypertension with suspected fetal growth restriction), testing might begin at a
gestational age when delivery would be considered for perinatal benefit".If delivery is not planned
(eg, given
early gestational age), then antenatal surveillance should not be performed
because the results will not inform management [1].
1. Antepartum fetal surveillance.
Practice Bulletin No. 145. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
Obstet Gynecol 2014;124:182–92PMID:24945455
2. Chamberlain PF, Manning FA, Morrison I, Harman CR,
Lange IR. Ultrasound evaluation of amniotic fluid volume. I. The relationship of
marginal and decreased amniotic fluid volume to perinatal outcome. Am J Obstet
Gynecol 1984;150:245–9.PMID:6385713
Manning FA, et. al., Fetal assessment based on fetal biophysical profile
scoring: experience in 12,620 referred high-risk pregnancies. I. Perinatal
mortality by frequency and etiology.Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1985 Feb 1;151(3):343-50. PMID: 3881967
4. Nageotte MP, et. al. Perinatal outcome with the modified biophysical profile.
Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1994 Jun;170(6):1672-6. PMID:8203424
5.Miller DA, et. al., The modified biophysical profile: antepartum testing in
the 1990s.Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1996 Mar;174(3):812-7. PMID:8633648
Fetal health surveillance: antepartum and intrapartum consensus guideline. Liston R, Sawchuck D, Young D; Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists of
Canada; British Columbia Perinatal Health Program.
J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2007 Sep;29(9 Suppl 4):S3-56. Erratum in: J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2007 Nov;29(11):909. PMID:17845745
Available at:
7. Rotmensch S, et. al., The effect of betamethasone
and dexamethasone on fetal heart rate patterns and biophysical activities. A
prospective randomized trial.Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 1999 Jul;78(6):493-500.
PMID: PMID:10376858
8.Lalor JG, et. al. Biophysical profile for fetal assessment in high risk pregnancies.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2008 Jan 23;(1):CD000038. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD000038.pub2.
PMID: PMID:18253968
9. Asthma in pregnancy. ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 90. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Obstet Gynecol 2008; 111:457–64.PMID: PMID:18238988
10. Management of late-term and postterm pregnancies. Practice Bulletin No. 146. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Obstet Gynecol 2014;124:390–6.PMID: PMID:25050770
11. Signore C, Freeman RK, Spong CY. Antenatal testing-a reevaluation:
executive summary of a Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health
and Human Development workshop. Obstet Gynecol. 2009;113:687–701 PMID: PMID:19300336 does not provide medical advice,
diagnosis or treatment |