Insulin may be given by Multiple Daily Injections
(MDI) or by Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII) (insulin
pump). MDI requires at least four injections of insulin per day: At bedtime, before breakfast, lunch, and dinner. ).
The calculator below will estimate the basal insulin , meal related
insulin doses (boluses),and the insulin to carbohydrate ratio (I:CR) also known as the carbohydrate-to-insulin ratio (CIR).
required based on the woman's current weight , gestational age, and type of
diabetes as recommended by the 2012 California Diabetes and Pregnancy Program
Sweet Success Guidelines [1] .To use the calculator enter the patient's
weight, select the units /kg of insulin to give using the table below and press
the 'calculate' button.
1 .
Shields, L and Tsay, GS. Editors, California Diabetes and Pregnancy
Program Sweet Success Guidelines for Care. Developed with California
Department of Public Health; Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Division;
revised edition, July, 2012.
Guidelines for Care, California Diabetes and Pregnancy Program,2012. p 48
All calculations must be confirmed before use. The suggested results are not a substitute for clinical
judgment. Neither nor any other party involved in the
preparation or publication of this site shall be liable for any special,
consequential, or exemplary