By David A Sacks MD
Department of Research, Southern California Permanente Medical Group Pasadena, California
The relationship between large birth weight and maternal glucose intolerance has been acknowledged for decades. Imprecision of definition and a lack of understanding of the components of the maternal and fetal metabolic milieus have, at least in part, hampered attempts to reduce this adverse perinatal outcome. With the advent of the worldwide epidemic of obesity, research has focused on overweight and obesity, particularly in women of reproductive age. Together with studies of the pathophysiology of diabetes during pregnancy and of fetal and neonatal body composition, much has been learned about how big babies develop. This paper will endeavor to summarize what is known about the development of large newborns in pregnancies complicated by diabetes, as well as reviewing attempts at decreasing their prevalence.
There is no universally accepted definition of a large baby. The entity may be defined nominally by such terms as “macrosomic” “large for gestational age” (LGA), or “oversized”. Macrosomia is defined by an absolute birth weight, usually 4000 or 4500 grams
A single birthweight carries with it the ease of memorization and application. However, it fails to consider the influence of gestational age. For example, a baby delivered at 34 weeks and weighing 4000 grams is biologically and physiologically very different from one delivered at 40 weeks.
Identifying a baby as “large for gestational age” (LGA), usually defined as weighing more than the 90th percentile for gestational age and gender, eliminates confounding by duration of pregnancy, but does not consider the influences of other variables such as geography and ethnicity. Thus the numerical standards used to define LGA should be derived from a population similar to that of the baby being assessed
Likely macrosomia and LGA are the two terms most
commonly used to define a larger than average-weight baby. However, neither
measure offers commentary on body composition. Two studies from the same
institution measured fat and lean tissue by a non-invasive device (TOBEC) using
measurement of electrical conductivity in the newborn. Given that, because of
its electrolyte content, lean tissue is a better conductor of electricity than
is fat mass, estimation of lean body mass is achieved by comparison of
electrical conductivity of the baby with a standard curve derived from carcass
conductivity. After weighing the baby, lean body mass is subtracted from the
baby’s weight to obtain an estimate of fat mass. Using TOBEC, a comparison of
LGA neonates found relatively less lean body mass and relatively more fat mass
in LGA neonates of women who had gestational diabetes (GDM), compared with LGA
neonates of mothers who were normoglycemic [3]. Even among appropriate for
gestational age babies, those of diabetic mothers were found to have greater fat
content and percent of body weight that is fat than those of non-diabetic
women [4]. Fat deposition in upper body subcutaneous tissue may, in part, explain
the finding that for every 250 gram increment in birth weight above 3750 grams,
infants of diabetic women were significantly more likely to experience shoulder dystocia
than were infants of non-diabetic women of comparable weight [5]. These
observations raise the possible need of the expression of birthweight to include
fat mass. Universal application of this concept awaits the development of an
easily applied tool for measuring this parameter.
Maternal Factors Associated With Large Babies
Elucidating the causal factors or those which are associated with increased
fetal growth is not an easy task. This is of particular concern in infants of
diabetic women. A number of demographic confounders are associated with fetal
growth [Table 1].
All except smoking and
hypertension have a positive relationship with birth weight.
Table 1. Variables which may contribute to fetal growth.
Maternal age
Prepregnancy BMI
Weight gain during pregnancy
Smoking [↓]
Hypertension [↓]
Fetal gender
Gestational age at birth
Few studies have been performed controlling for each of these factors to
determine the independent relationship between each and birth weight. In studies
which have investigated this question, different definitions were used for
independent and dependent variables (e.g. for hyperglycemia, big babies). Not
all studies controlled for the same variables [Table 2]. Despite these
differences, the maternal factors that most consistently emerge as being
independently associated with birth weight are prepregnancy weight and maternal
glucose concentrations during pregnancy, Table 2 [6-10].

(Click image to enlarge)
Diabetes and Prepregnancy weight
Much attention has been paid
to the relationship between measures of maternal glycemia and birth weight.
A critical starting point is to determine what a normal 24-hour glucose
profile in a metabolically normal pregnant woman looks like. One study used
continuous subcutaneous glucose monitoring to compare glucose values of
non-obese and obese non-diabetic women throughout the day. Though the
respective fasting glucose values of both groups were not statistically
significantly different (72 mg/dl and 73 mg/dl), the respective one-hour
post-prandial glucose values (103 mg/dl and 112 mg/dl, p=0.04); peak glucose
values (106 mg/dl and 118 mg/dl) and time to peak glucose
values (71 and 88 minutes, p= 0.03 minutes) were statistically significantly
different. The lack of uniformity in
post-meal and peak results as well as in time to peak value call into
question the appropriateness of a “one size fits all” approach to glycemic
targets during pregnancy [11]. Among women who underwent 24 hour continuous
glucose monitoring who had gestational diabetes (GDM) treated with diet, GDM
treated with insulin, and type 1 diabetes, there were statistically
significant differences in peak post-meal glucose values (respectively 131
mg/dl, 148 mg/dl, and 182 mg/dl), but the time to peak glucose (mean 85
minutes) was not significantly different among the three groups
Cumulatively, these studies demonstrate that the time to peak glucose
concentration in non-diabetic pregnant women differs between obese and
non-obese gravidas, but that there is no difference in time to peak glucose
for women who have different types of diabetes; that peak glucose
concentrations for women who have gestational diabetes approximates the
130-140 mg/dl post-meal targets recommended by some diabetes associations
but that these peaks are achieved later in women both with and without
diabetes. than the 1-hour post-meal interval used by many as a yardstick to
measure glycemic control
Which maternal glucose value relative to a meal is most closely related to
birth weight is another area of contention. Likely the only randomized
controlled trial to address this issue found that the 1-hour post-meal
glucose value best identified women at increased risk of having a large
baby. However, an underlying assumption in that study was the equivalence in
predictive value for fetal macrosomia of a fasting glucose of 60 to 90 mg/dl
and a postprandial glucose concentration of less than 140 mg/dl. While
patients managed on the basis of their post-meal glucose had significantly
fewer large babies than did those whose management was based on pre-meal
glucose results, the question of whether respectively lowering or raising
pre-prandial and/or post-prandial glucose targets would have changed the
outcome of the study remains unresolved [14]
Yet another area of inquiry is the question of when in gestation maternal
glycemic control is most important in affecting fetal growth. One study
reported that among mothers who had type 1 diabetes and whose babies were
LGA hemoglobin A1c in first, but not third trimester was greater than that
of women who had non-LGA babies [15]. This has biological plausibility, in that
other investigators reported a positive correlation between the birth weight
ratio (birth weight /birth weight at the 50th percentile for gestational
age) and the difference between actual and expected crown-rump length in
first trimester. However, no such correlation was found in appropriate
weight for gestational age neonates [16]. Finally, among diabetic women who had
serial ultrasound estimates of fetal weight, those who developed sonographically-detected LGA before 30 weeks gestation had higher maternal
glucose concentrations in second trimester than in first or third. Those
whose fetal LGA had been detected after 30 weeks and those whose babies were
appropriate for gestational age (AGA) had no significant differences in
glucose throughout all three trimesters, suggesting that early excessive
fetal growth in infants of diabetic women may be more closely related to
hyperglycemia in second trimester than earlier or later in gestation
As previously mentioned, in multivariable analyses of the nature of the
relationship between diabetic women’s demographics, laboratory findings, and
large babies, maternal prepregnancy weight and glucose concentrations are
more often found to be independently associated with large babies than are
other variables [18, 19]. A few reports have attempted to analyze which of
these two variables have a stronger relationship with large birth weight
[6,10]. Although pregestational and gestational diabetes appear to have a
stronger independent relationship with fetal macrosomia than does maternal
obesity, a far greater proportion of the obstetric population is obese than
is diabetic. Thus the proportion of large babies in a given patient
population which may be attributed to maternal obesity is greater than that
which may be attributed to maternal glucose intolerance [6].
Weight Gain
An independent positive relationship between maternal weight gain during
pregnancy and birth weight has been reported among women who have
pregestational and gestational diabetes [7, 20, 21]. Obesity and overweight in
general, and in reproductive age women in particular, have become
international problems. Data collected from 1993 to 2003 in the US
demonstrates a progressive annual increase in the amount of weight gained
during pregnancy. Furthermore, weight gain among overweight and obese women
appears to be proportionately greater than among those who have normal and
underweight prepregnancy body mass indices (BMIs) [22, 23]
Preventing Large Birth Weight Babies
Of the three elements associated with birth weight: prepregnancy BMI,
maternal glycemia, and maternal weight gain during pregnancy, only the
latter two are amenable to interventions. While much attention has been paid
to control of maternal glycemia, attention to restriction of maternal weight
gain has only relatively recently attracted interest from the scientific
community. That restriction of weight gain during pregnancy is of benefit
was demonstrated in two blinded randomized controlled trials of women with
gestational diabetes [24, 25]. The treatment modalities employed in the study
groups were limited to diet and exercise. Insulin was added only for the
minority of women who failed to achieve glycemic control with diet and
exercise alone. Both studies found a reduction in maternal weight gain and
birth weight. Neither study reported daily measures of maternal glycemia.
However, one of the two studies additionally measured neonatal fat mass, and
found this parameter to be decreased in the intervention group. That this is
of clinical importance is indicated by emerging data demonstrating a
relationship between excessive weight at birth-likely consisting of central
adipose- and subsequent development of the metabolic syndrome, from
childhood [26] to adulthood [27].
Based on reviews of studies relating maternal weight gain to both maternal
weight retention following delivery and birth weight, as well as to other
maternal and perinatal outcomes, in 2009 the Institute of Medicine (IOM)
modified its 1990 guidelines for weight gain, dependent upon maternal
prepregnancy BMI [Table 3]. The greater the prepregnancy BMI, the less the
weight gain per pregnancy recommended [23].
Table 3. IOM Suggested total pregnancy weight gain, by BMI categories
Category |
BMI (kg/m2) |
Total pounds |
Pounds per week |
Underweight |
< 18.5 |
28 -40 |
1 |
Normal |
18.5 -24.9 |
25 - 35 |
1 |
Overweight |
25 - 29.9 |
15 -25 |
0.6 |
Obese |
> 30 |
11 -20 |
0.5 |
A first step in attempting control of maternal weight gain is the education
of caregivers. Two studies published since 1990 (the year that the first
iteration of the IOM guidelines were released) found that one-third of
caregivers to pregnant women gave no weight gain advice to their patients.
Only 37 to 49 percent of pregnant women were advised to gain weight within
the IOM guidelines [28, 29]. That patients follow physicians’ advise regarding
weight gain was demonstrated by the finding that a significantly greater
proportion of women advised to gain more than the IOM guidelines did so than
did not. The same was true of women advised by their physicians to gain less
than that suggested by the guidelines.
While no single program has had universal success in achieving appropriate
weight gain in pregnant women, tools are available that may be of use to
motivated women who are supported in their efforts by medical staff, family,
and friends. The United States Department of Agriculture maintains a website
(http://www.choosemyplate.gov/mypyramidmoms/) on which information regarding diet and
exercise, divided into segments for patients and for professionals may be
found. Besides instruction and monitoring of food intake and exercise, other
modifiable potential barriers to achieving these goals should be frankly
discussed. Smokers and those abusing alcohol and/or recreational drugs
should be encouraged to discontinue their habits. Referral to therapists or
to programs dealing with these problems seems prudent. Marginal income may
pose a barrier to buying appropriate food. Information about federal and
state programs providing funding for healthy eating may be obtained through
local social service agencies. Walking is likely the most common form of
exercise utilized by pregnant women. However, women who live in unsafe
neighborhoods may be reluctant to walk in those neighborhoods. Problem
solving regarding these barriers to achieving a healthy lifestyle requires
the incorporation of social service workers, nutritionists, physical
therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists, all of whom ideally should be
available during the course of a woman’s pregnancy. Programs limiting
maternal weight gain and/or large babies have met with mixed success. Unique
features of each include the incorporation of water aerobics [30],
individualized exercise regimens [31] frequent office visits
[32], and frequent
mailings of supportive and instructive material [33]. While further study is
needed, making pregnant women aware of the guidelines for weight gain for
pregnancy and of the resources available to assist these women to achieve
their goals is a reasonable starting point.
Though imperfect, defining a large baby as one whose birth weight is ≥ the
90th percentile for the population of which (s)he is a member allows
comparison between babies from different populations. Consideration should
be given to devising a method to easily measure neonatal fat mass, and
perhaps incorporating the latter in classifying birth weight. Both maternal
glycemia and maternal weight gain are modifiable factors associated with
birth weight in women who have diabetes. Further study is needed to better
define appropriate maternal glycemic targets and appropriate maternal weight
gain to minimize maternal obesity and fetal overgrowth in pregnancies
complicated by diabetes mellitus.
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