Intrauterine Pregnancy
ADMIT TO:  [  ] Antepartum [  ] Labor and Delivery
ACTIVITY:  Bedrest with bathroom privileges
[  ]Other:__________________________________________________________________
MONITORING:  Vital signs per routine

Maternal Blood:
     Random glucose, CBC with platelet count, PT, PTT, fibrinogen, antibody screen, VDRL, Kleihauer-Betke, urine toxicology screen.
     [ ] Thyroid function testing
     [ ] CMV titer (IgM and IgG)
     [ ] Parvovirus antibody
     [ ] Lupus anticoagulant and anticardiolipin antibody
     [ ] Factor V Leiden mutation
     [ ] Antithrombin III
     [ ] Serum creatinine
     [ ] Liver function tests
     [ ] Viral cultures
     [ ] Bacterial cultures (Alert the lab that Campylobacter and Listeria are in the differential)
     [ ] Other ____________________
Fetal Blood

     [ ] Cytogenetics (1-10 ml in green top tube)
     [ ] Bacterial culture at least 1 ml
     [ ] Serology (PCR if available) for TORCH (syphilis, toxoplasma, other (e.g. parvovirus), rubella, CMV, HSV)
     [ ] CBC

RADIOLOGY:  [  ] OB Ultrasound
[  ] MRI whole infant body after delivery
[  ] AP plain radiograph of the whole infant body
IV THERAPY:  [ ] Saline lock
[ ] D5LR TRA 125 cc/hr
[ ] Other_____________________
MEDICATIONS:  Rhogam if Rh negative
Informed Consent to include possible uterine rupture if undergoing induction.  
[ ] Pitocin per protocol.
If < 28 weeks
     [ ] Misoprostol 400 mcg intravaginally q 4 hours X 48 hours. Hold misoprostol if patient develops active labor.
     [ ] Prostin E2 suppository 20 )mg q 4 hours . Hold Prostin if patient develops active labor 20 units pitocin to be added per liter IVF X 1 L,then heplock.
     [ ] Pitocin 30 units in 1 L TRA 150 cc/hour
If the > 28 weeks
     [ ] Misoprostol 25 micrograms intravaginally q 4 hours for a maximum of 6 doses. Hold misoprostol if patient develops active labor .
[ ] After passage of fetus start IV infusion of 30 units pitocin in 1 L D5 LR TRA 125cc/h
[ ] Demerol 75-125 mg IM with Vistaril 50 mg q 3 hours PRN pain
[ ] Morphine sulfate 8 mg IVP q 3 hours PRN pain
[ ] Compazine 10 mg IM q 6 hours
[ ] Lomotil 2 tabs PO q 6 hours
[ ] Tylenol 650 mg PO/PR q 4 hours PRN fever > 100.4 o
[ ] MOM 30 cc PO Q 12 hr prn constipation.
[ ] Maalox 30 cc PO Q 4 hr prn indigestion.
[ ] Benadryl 50 mg PO @ bedtime prn insomnia.
DIET:  [  ] NPO
[  ] Clear liquid diet
[  ]Regular diet
[  ] Other: ______________________________________________________________
  Respiratory rate less than 12 or greater than 25 per minute
Temperature >100.4 °F
Chest pain
 02 Sat less than 90% on room air
Decreased loss of consciousness
Respiratory distress
OTHER Grief Management protocol
[  ] If complete abortion has not occurred within 1 hour of expulsion of the fetus, the patient will be taken to the Operating Room for curettage.
[  ] Delivery pack at bedside with pathology container.
[  ] Placenta to pathology.
[  ] Consent for tissue samples
[  ] Fascia lata to pathology
[  ] Consent for autopsy.
[  ] Consent for photographs
Date:____________    Time:_____________   Physician Signature:_________________________    [  ] RBO

Date:____________    Time:_____________    Noted: _______________________________________





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